What is the Global Youth Community?

The UNESCO Global Youth Community (GYC) is an inclusive platform, run by youth and for youth. It aims to provide a space that fosters youth-to-youth collaboration and intergenerational learning, and increases the visibility of action and work of young change-makers.

This initiative emerged during the 11th UNESCO Youth Forum. 75 young people, from all regions of the world, leading ground-breaking change in their countries and communities in UNESCO’s domains, gathered to discuss the best strategies to improve Youth Engagement with UNESCO and beyond.

Together we can change the world!

Five reasons to join the GYC

  1. Connect with other GYC members in efforts to obtain funding or other types of support (endorsement, visibility, technical support, etc.) from UNESCO or other relevant actors.
  2. Share content about your specific project(s) or about the work of your youth-led organization.
  3. Engage with peer-learning opportunities in UNESCO’s fields of competence; access trainings, workshops and volunteer opportunities; contribute to projects and learn from others.
  4. Access the learning hub where you can find resources and training materials in a variety of different formats (webinars, courses, publications).
  5. Participate in forums and campaigns that unite young people.

Learn more and join

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